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Easter Lily Fairy

Our royal Easter Lily Fairy is the spiritual overseer of purity, hope, innocence and peace. Her majestic white beauty will always inspire you to think of the greater meaning of Easter! 

Did you know that Lilium longiflorum, often called the Easter Lily, is native to the Ryukyu Islands of Japan? It belongs to the genus Lilium, with flowering plants growing from bulbs, with large magnificent flowers, often fragrant, that command attention wherever they are planted.

History, mythology, literature and the world of art are inspired by the beauty and majesty of these elegant white flowers. Often called the “white-robed apostles of hope,” lilies were found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Churches continue this tradition at Easter time by banking their altars with masses of Easter Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus and hope of life everlasting.

Also, the pure white lily has long been closely associated with the Virgin Mary. A symbol of purity and grace throughout the ages, the royal white lily that graces millions of homes and churches every year embodies joy, hope, peace and life.


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