Make friends with the desert, and take home our precious Saguaro Baby. But don’t let him trick you. He is …75 years old! It’s true, it takes up to 75 years for a Saguaro to grow a side arm this big!
Did you know that Saguaro is a tree-sized cactus native to the Sonoran Desert of Arizona? You can also find it in California, and Sonora, Mexico. It is the largest cactus in the United States, one that can grow up to 60 feet tall, weight up to 4800 pounds, and live up to 200 years!
With its long sharp spines, Saguaro protects the home of birds that nest inside its holes. In late spring it blooms wonderful white flowers, which turn into red fruit by the end of the summer.
The Saguaro cactus is proudly protected in Arizona, where its blossom stands for the State Wildflower!